Who Needs Sleep When You Have Love?

Posted by Leticia, 11 Oct

“On this day, April 9th 2011, I married my best friend.”

We received these stirring words from Ronald and Jane, who met on our website and fell in love. “We would never have found each other if your site did not exist,” says Jane.

Find your soulmate on Swirlr

This is their story…

It all started when Jane’s friends at work started pushing her to try online dating. “Sonym, Esther and Florence were always on my case,” remembers Jane. “I had spent many years alone, so they would encourage me…”

Jane’s co-workers thought it was sad that she would rush home after work to watch movies. It was clear to them that Jane had given up on bringing love and romance to her life. But there was a stumbling block for Jane that many singles encounter before they learn more about online dating. “One of my greatest worries was the confidentiality of the site,” Jane says. “To my great surprise, it was very confidential!”

Ronald had also spent many years without a soulmate by his side. One day, he was surfing the Web on his phone when he came across our site. The name rang a bell for Ronald. One of his friends began a successful relationship here. The memory of his friend’s happiness was enough to convince Ronald to sign up.

But, like many of our success stories, it took quite a bit of patience from both parties before their paths crossed. In fact, Jane was on the verge of removing her profile when she received the simple message “I want to talk to you.”

“This caught me by surprise,” Jane admits. “It took me two or three days before I answered. But I kept thinking of how much courage this gentleman had.”

Their connection formed through a flurry of emails, texts and phone calls. Just five days after Jane responded to his message, Ronald closed his account. “He told me he was sure I was the one,’” says Jane.

Their phone calls got longer and longer. “We never tired,” laughs Jane. “Sometimes I would go to work with a crazy headache because I never slept enough. The same thing would happen to Ronald.”

When Ronald flew out to meet his beloved in person for the first time, Jane was on pins and needles until his plane landed. “It was the longest time of my life,” she says. “When I finally saw Ronald walk through the door, I jumped up and down and hugged him for a long time.”

After securing the blessing of Jane’s parents, Ronald married Jane at a beautiful cathedral. “We found our soulmate, sunshine, lover, husband, wife and more than we can ever describe,” Jane says, glowing with happiness. “We shall forever remain grateful to this site!”

Asked what she might say to singles still seeking that magical bond with another person, Jane had these words to share.

“To all our friends out there—this site works. Be patient and be real. Start your relationship in a very honest and transparent way and when you meet the right person, you shall definitely know.”

Good advice, indeed.

112 responses to "Who Needs Sleep When You Have Love?"

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  1.   Wambuiperis says:
    Posted: 21 Apr 22

    Wao very encouraging, cograt Jane and Ronald.

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  2.   bethy4 says:
    Posted: 20 Apr 22

    Congratulations guys, love is a beautiful thing. I hope I connect with the love of my life, my soul mate, the one I would love and that would love me and I too till death or beyond someday

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  3. Posted: 18 Apr 22

    Where can I find a love like that

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  4.   Miah50 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 22

    Congratulations!! God bless you both with long years together. X

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  5.   shillameg says:
    Posted: 27 Jun 21

    Congrats I hope mine works.

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  6.   Binah5070 says:
    Posted: 24 Jun 21

    Congrats. Enjoy your union

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  7.   Daisyadri says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 21

    Congratulations and many blessings to both of you.

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  8.   GNFS says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 21

    Congratulations, May God bless their union in Jesus mighty name.

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  9.   Apethe says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 21

    Congratulations Jane and ronald.am happy for you two,

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  10.   4ruthie says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 21

    Congrats my dears

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  11.   FaithDaniel says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 21

    Congrat, please help me too. I need to be married to a white man too.

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  12.   Pascoalina says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 21

    May God bless you and protect you. Congratulations

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  13.   Mgiyo says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 21

    Congrats to you Jane & Ronald, true indeed...."Who Needs Sleep When You Have Love" wishing you a great future together. God's time is the best time for everything, when He says 'Yes', no one can say 'No'

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  14.   Helenzo says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 21

    Congratulations to all the couples on the site. Still waiting for my soul mate.

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  15.   Obertgonzo says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 21

    I am really in need of seriously relationship for lifetime but couldn't get one. For those very serious chat me on +. For those who successfully did it l congratulations for them may god bless their partnership.

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  16.   Bucks_0000 says:
    Posted: 30 Dec 19

    Congratulations guys for your relationships Please help me find a partner to marry May God bless you all in Jesus's mighty name

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  17.   Phanice31 says:
    Posted: 08 Nov 19

    Congratulations jane and Rowland smart one

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  18.   QED says:
    Posted: 29 May 19

    Love can be found anywhere. Not limited to a race or tribe. Thanks Jane and Rowland. Interracial my "wow" story cometh...

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  19.   Jesusyavuz says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 18

    This is a good example of gold digging feminist right there the black one. Anytime half of his property gone now. Contract

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    • FATIMAH78 says:
      Posted: 16 Dec 18

      Wrong thinking,who said blacks are gold diggers,do you even know what love can do.Most of us here have everything all we need is a man not their properties, we already have our own.

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      • Joycemercy says:
        Posted: 21 Mar 19

        Good that you have told him the truth. He thinks all blacks are poor, shame on him. I read one of his comments on the other couple n it's seems he is a racist.

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        • Ruth116 says:
          Posted: 18 Apr 21

          If he keeps it up with that shabby attitude, he won't get a woman, black or white AT ALL.

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      • Miah50 says:
        Posted: 17 Apr 22

        Agree!! We don't need their properties we're solely interested in finding authentic l❤ve.

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    • Wembemarun says:
      Posted: 07 Nov 19


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    • Wembemarun says:
      Posted: 07 Nov 19


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  20.   Annex17 says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 18

    I wish them a happy stay and enjoy Godly life. I wish to get one also

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  21.   Twisti says:
    Posted: 12 May 18

    Wish you all the best Jane and Roland.

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  22.   Jjaa22 says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 18

    Congratulations to u Jane and Roland ..I'm still waiting for my soul mate hope it may come soon ..I'm leaving for work to home for too long now ..

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  23.   Daoma says:
    Posted: 08 Mar 18

    If your right time comes none will say no thanks to Ronald and Jane for that and as fr me I might need more sleep than love since love comes automatic.

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  24.   Zippmark says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 17

    I might need more sleep than love. Balance is important in my like

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  25.   San0808 says:
    Posted: 01 Nov 17

    Yap I like

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  26.   Sonkiuru says:
    Posted: 19 Aug 17

    hey, i really like this...cogratulation...who is there to connect me?? i need a lady....help me here

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  27.   mofulu says:
    Posted: 10 Jun 17

    So inspiring story,wish them well

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  28.   mofulu says:
    Posted: 10 Jun 17

    I like to share

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  29.   Acheche says:
    Posted: 10 May 17

    So inspiring story,wish them well,hope one day one time God wil bless me with one like her

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  30.   renmaisha says:
    Posted: 24 Jan 16

    Wow that's lovely

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  31.   Travel2015 says:
    Posted: 22 Jan 16

    I hope someday that happen to me. very soonnnn

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  32.   OlaNma says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 16

    Sweet.. They look cute together.

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  33.   alj15 says:
    Posted: 12 Dec 15

    Soo inspiring story,God Bless Roland/Jane, I pry God will touch my king that I can be with for the rest of my life, God bless intercial dating

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  34.   alj15 says:
    Posted: 12 Dec 15

    Soon wonderful story,God Bless Roland/Jane, I pry God will touch my king that I can be with for the rest of my life, God bless intercial dating

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    • simple0243 says:
      Posted: 18 Feb 16

      You can talk with someone for years, everyday, and still, it won't mean as much as what you can have when you sit in front of someone, not saying a word, yet you feel that person with your heart, you feel like you have known the person for forever.... connections are made with the heart, not the tongue

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      • Miah50 says:
        Posted: 17 Apr 22

        For real!! Being in the same space and connecting with that person says it all.

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  35.   Mena2 says:
    Posted: 22 Nov 15

    While in sleep, you are awake with love

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  36.   komoneech says:
    Posted: 10 Nov 15

    That beautiful...I so want that but I am starting to give up..congrats you god bless

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  37.   syox says:
    Posted: 16 Oct 15


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  38.   MyPretty says:
    Posted: 15 Oct 15

    This is so inspirational it brought tears to my eyes. You really have given me hope... Congrats you two ... be blessed.

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  39.   viana204 says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 15

    i like the part where Ronald closed his account after getting Jane's response.

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  40.   Mena2 says:
    Posted: 08 Sep 15

    Never leave hope.

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  41.   Ruthlove2 says:
    Posted: 27 Aug 15

    Jane and Ronald story is a touching one. Be bless

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  42.   Sweetlungs says:
    Posted: 22 Aug 15

    Mmmmh some girls are lucky

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  43.   zumonica says:
    Posted: 11 Aug 15

    Wow!!! Fantastic. I'm also waiting for such great message. That will change my life. Happy life cute couple.

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  44.   Mmmathapelo says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 15

    Awesome.. Wonder when m I going to get a chance to date a white man.. :-)

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  45.   ladedah63 says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 14

    I am glad you that you two found true love. I'm a lonely and loving single mom. Please pray for me that I finally find my soulmate

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  46. Posted: 06 Jul 14

    Another great success story! Fills me with such hope x

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  47. Posted: 05 Jun 14

    it's written all over your face Jane...you're happy. God bless your marriage Ronald & Jane!

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  48.   matul says:
    Posted: 01 Apr 14


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  49.   frontend says:
    Posted: 28 Dec 13

    Anything is possible

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  50.   xxsorbetxx says:
    Posted: 23 Oct 13

    So many wonderful success stories on here, really refreshing to hear of and get to read their come-abouts. This one right here is certainly one of my favorites, have only been on here for about a week or perhaps less but i am thoroughly enjoying the experience despite no success so far but there's plenty time and hope, plus i am thinking positively. I like this site more than most as there is a wider scope of variety i have noticed and people are much more responsive and ofcourse less trashy in their approach which i got on few on other sites smh. I wish these 2 all the best and prosperity both as individuals and a couple.

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