He couldn't believe she was real

Posted by Leticia, 08 Jun

Deep down, Steven knew the only place to find his true love was on a niche site like ours.  “Other services just hadn’t worked for me,” Steven says.  Meanwhile, Imelda was also looking for someone special to share her life with.  A friend had success on our site and recommended it to her, so Imelda took the plunge.

Find your soulmate on Swirlr

In this case, it was the woman who reached out to the man.  Something about Steven’s eyes told Imelda that he was the man for her.  “It took me over a week to respond to her!”  Steven recalls, incredulously.  “I was reluctant at first to believe that she was who she said she was.  Her photos were so adorable, genuine and beautiful.  But shy: vulnerable, even.”

Dreading disappointment but not wanting to miss a potentially once-in-a-lifetime shot at love, Steven called Imelda.  He remembers that call making quite an impression on him.  “I was hooked completely, head over heels in love at first chat!”

Before meeting in person, they spoke on the phone many more times and emailed constantly.  The couple met for pancakes as a first date.  Seeing Steven waiting for her with a huge bunch of flowers, it took Imelda several minutes to work up the courage to approach him.  “I was overwhelmed,” Steven said of his thoughts upon seeing Imelda in person for the first time.  “When I saw her with her hair all done, dressed so fine, the most beautiful smile…I was speechless.  I just felt like she was out of my league.”

Their meal turned into a walk, a picnic in the park, and a visit to a bar.  “We just sat together, falling in love so quickly and deeply,” Imelda says.  This great date only set the table for many more.

Over time, Steven was delighted to discover the Imelda behind her shy reserve.  The Imelda that loves to giggle, to dance, and to take good care of her man.  “I love her joie de vivre, her attitude about life,” Steven says.  “I still pinch myself to this day to check to see if I’m dreaming or not!”

Imelda agrees that their connection runs deep.  “The openness I have with him is something I’ve never experienced before,” she says.  “There’s nothing hidden, no secrets, we’re just true to each other.”

Today, the couple are engaged to be married and happily planning their future together.  They consider themselves best friends first, lovers second.  “We’ll be supporting each other every step of the way, through good times and bad,” promises Steven.

139 responses to "He couldn't believe she was real"

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  1.   Sliiimdoll says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 22

    What's for you will be there for you . No matter what !

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  2. Posted: 14 Jun 21

    God's time is always the best

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  3.   Cud1 says:
    Posted: 21 May 21

    Wow....it was so greatfull for you guys and I wish you well always. God bless you.

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  4.   MmagweTheo says:
    Posted: 18 May 21

    Wish you the best in your marrige

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  5.   Greely says:
    Posted: 18 May 21

    Wish you well in your marriage

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  6.   lottalove42 says:
    Posted: 17 May 21

    Such an Blessing. I'll continue to pray for my soulmate...I know you're out there somewhere. Congratulations and may God continue to Bless your Union!

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  7.   Pahaliah says:
    Posted: 17 May 21

    Am next....Happy for them

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  8.   GNFS says:
    Posted: 17 May 21

    So lovely to hear this success story. I wish them all the best of luck in their relationship. Lucky you Emelda.

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  9.   RayPow says:
    Posted: 17 May 21

    Life’s Little Twists and Turns can Bring Y’all Happiness in a World

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  10.   24678 says:
    Posted: 17 May 21

    That's beautiful thanks for that I'm just hoping that's my story also One day

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  11.   Mimmie72 says:
    Posted: 29 Nov 19

    Thanks for sharing and all the best!!

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  12.   Peshiel says:
    Posted: 06 Nov 19

    Very encouraging may God bless your union. I was about to give up everything.

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  13.   Oscarmab says:
    Posted: 23 Oct 19

    Oh am so happy for Steven I pray my own also come

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  14. Posted: 11 Oct 19

    Good for them

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  15.   M.E.R.C.Y says:
    Posted: 27 Jun 19

    Very interesting, God bless you all and best of luck

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  16. Posted: 22 Nov 18

    Blessings to you all.

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  17.   beene1978 says:
    Posted: 11 Nov 18

    Beautiful couple,hoping to meet my soul mate soon from here too.

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  18.   SashaDiva1 says:
    Posted: 26 Apr 18

    Wow I wish I was lucky like u guys great story it touch me alot

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  19.   Patienic says:
    Posted: 24 Apr 18

    So great

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  20.   Bijje says:
    Posted: 02 Mar 18

    This story is beautiful,have some people met here coming from different countries?Most stories i have read concern people within the same country

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    • Fridah12 says:
      Posted: 17 Oct 19

      Looks like most dont want distant relationships but we shaff conquer one day. Lol. I want someone far from my country..... hope will be lucky

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    • Glenn8282 says:
      Posted: 24 Sep 21

      Hi. Would you like to come to the US?

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  21.   Annab2b says:
    Posted: 24 Oct 17

    This is a beautiful union. Thank you for sharing

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  22.   Badiday says:
    Posted: 24 Oct 17

    Its verry nice story .

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  23.   stonzs says:
    Posted: 09 Oct 17

    Cool and great

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  24.   Kemmy08 says:
    Posted: 28 Sep 17

    Wow! So touching, brought some tears into my eyes

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  25.   lovet013 says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 17

    Wonderful couples I wish you all the best in marriage .And I also pray for mine .

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  26.   lovet013 says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 17

    Wonderful couples I wish all the best in life .And I also pray for mine .

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  27.   JY12 says:
    Posted: 02 Sep 17

    Very nice may they always find love in one another.It gives hope that one day the woman destine to be my wife will be soon met and we may have what others have found truthful loove.

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  28.   Sonkiuru says:
    Posted: 24 Aug 17

    sooo nycu love it...help me to get my love...please

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  29.   Crazy19 says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 17

    I hope one day I find my true love ❤️ I wish everybody who really want somebody and not playing games like some guys doing I hope everybody all the best

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  30.   carelicious says:
    Posted: 20 Jul 17

    Awesome.l hope soon l,l find my true love.l wish you guys all the best.

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  31.   Ho75 says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 17

    Thats great...wishing all the best

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  32.   Matiniz says:
    Posted: 24 Apr 17

    I wish them the best in Jesus name amen

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  33.   mwoto says:
    Posted: 29 Mar 17

    one day at a time,all the best to them. I am waiting for my special day.

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  34.   Williamross says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 17

    Am still looking for female penpals friends welcome like to beautiful and nice would be great to see you soon

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  35.   Jecii says:
    Posted: 05 Mar 17

    Nice story I'm still waiting for God bless me with my soul mate. blessed both

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    • Bobsave says:
      Posted: 26 Jul 19

      Hi beautiful my name is paseka and I'll really like to know you as in serious.

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  36.   WillieL says:
    Posted: 04 Mar 17

    I am glad this worked for them. I am still looking and coming up with people who only want sex. I will not give up because he has to be out there somewhere. But congrats to you both

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  37.   Eileen53 says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 17

    Happy to read your story God bless you both the truth is all that matters true love never die

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  38. Posted: 12 Jan 17

    Very nice!!!!

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  39.   rajturna2 says:
    Posted: 17 Oct 16

    Nice story

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  40.   Chichiela says:
    Posted: 07 Oct 16

    Please God send me my soulmate.lm giving up now

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    • LuvBallad says:
      Posted: 06 Nov 18

      Dont give up! Somehow someone will come thru and consider all the nice guys to

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  41.   merzsnopy says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 16

    Nice story Good bless you both.hope I could fine my soulmAte

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  42.   governorb says:
    Posted: 23 Jul 16

    One day I will finally find mine

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  43.   chi2015 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 16

    awesome story

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  44.   Uno_Kay says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 16

    Nice story...

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  45.   cherubet says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 16

    Nice Imelda n Steven God bless u

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  46.   angienancy says:
    Posted: 10 May 16

    congrats may God bless your new life together has i pray that you will continue to enjoy life together.

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  47.   shamuria says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 16


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  48.   bdaygirl says:
    Posted: 05 Mar 16


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  49.   itossie says:
    Posted: 06 Oct 15

    Great, I wish someday I meet my soulmate

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  50.   Lelah25 says:
    Posted: 08 Sep 15

    Great testimony....the best is to cum fr every1.I know my mr right is out there.

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