They forgot to order dinner the date went so well

Posted by Leticia, 24 May

In Jennalee’s experience, nothing good had come of meeting people in clubs and bars. For Robert, the mission was to meet someone who was truly ready for a relationship. And so, for both of them it made sense to try out online dating.

“One day, in between classes, I had just a few minutes and so I got on the website and started looking,” says Jennalee. “I noticed Robert’s profile and liked what I saw.”

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Not only did Robert live in Jennalee’s area, he had taken the time to take good pictures and write honestly about himself. Jennalee was intrigued, but she didn’t have time to email him right away—she had to get to class.

When Jennalee logged in later that night...she was impressed to find a message from Robert already waiting for her! They began trading messages frequently. After two weeks and several phone calls, it was time to make a dinner date.

Jennalee arrived first and nervously awaited Robert’s arrival at the restaurant. “When he walked in, I was instantly drawn to his smile,” Jennalee recounts. Robert’s own nervousness evaporated within five minutes of talking to her. They were chatting so comfortably when the waiter arrived that they could hardly manage to concentrate on menus.

“There was never a lull in conversation,” says Jennalee. “We had a lot in common. I didn’t want the night to end!”

Robert walked Jennalee to her car and told her straight out that he wanted to see her again. Three months later, the couple are still dating and say it feels like they’ve known each other much longer than that. “I’ve never had a relationship so wonderful,” Jennalee reports. “He is very trustworthy and dependable, which are two things I think are very important. He makes me feel so special every day.”

While they’re still getting to know each other, Jennalee and Robert are also discussing the future and their common goals. “I am so glad I gave online dating a try and especially glad that I picked your site,” Jennalee exclaims. “It was a wonderful experience and the website was very user-friendly. I would recommend the site to any of my friends who are looking for love.”

49 responses to "They forgot to order dinner the date went so well"

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  1.   Kingkev67 says:
    Posted: 10 Mar 18

    I love the part where he always makes her feel special. I know this guy, he did just that because his face looked like ass, and he had already failed in a relationship. Fathered a child and couldn't hold it together for them. So this dreamy gentleman has issues. Just doesn't Wright bout them.

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  2.   erberry says:
    Posted: 24 Jul 15


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  3.   letlet30 says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 14

    Very nice story... i love it. It can be inspire to be inlove.. In God's well he give me a Mr. Right for same this couple.. congratz.. wish u all the best.. happily ever after.. God bless always...

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  4.   bolobikko says:
    Posted: 03 Jan 12

    Informative and inspiring. Good luck to them!

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  5. Posted: 10 Aug 11

    Wonderful story! God Bless you and your long lasting love.

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  6.   hawa4real says:
    Posted: 21 May 11

    so happy for the both whis u good luck in mu married, happy married life.

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  7.   mazc says:
    Posted: 14 May 11

    They forgot to order dinner. Reminds me of a birthday date I went on :)... Love a happy ending

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  8.   gl23688 says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 11

    Good for both of you. I wonder where's mine....

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  9.   e-dub says:
    Posted: 14 Apr 11

    Good luck and God Speed

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  10.   lbrowng says:
    Posted: 06 Apr 11

    How very sweet.I love the story.Robert you are a true gentleman.It's always good to know what you are looking for before you get on a site any site.You put it out there that you were looking for a real relationship now that's what i'm talking about.Say what you mean and mean what you say. God's blessings to you both on your new relationship.

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  11.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 Nov 10

    I am happy for you both. You look so happy. It is good to take things slow and let love grow. Who knows where it will lead.

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  12.   sweetmerc5 says:
    Posted: 16 Nov 10

    I think this just great

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  13.   SamanthaJ21 says:
    Posted: 15 Nov 10

    What a great story! and you two look great together! best of luck : )! hope to meet someone amazing on here as well!

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  14.   queen19 says:
    Posted: 24 Oct 10

    am totally happy for the couple!!!!!!!!!!the lady is preety,all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 25 Oct 10

      I think the guy is the one who is really fly. White women like her are a dime a dozen both when I lived down south and now that I live up north but I didn't see many fly brother's like that around!!

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    • Sophy68 says:
      Posted: 13 Sep 21

      Happy for them and wish them all the best they could imagine

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  15.   misted says:
    Posted: 21 Oct 10

    Maybe she has everything that he is looking for. Who are you to judge someone on how they look. I hate negative people. Ever take a look in the mirror and if ur judging on looks wonder why ur alone .... You have no right to judge people and Im sure they really don't care what you have to say.

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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 21 Oct 10

      I have no idea where you got the idea that I was judging based on looks. I said that my standards are based on personality, not looks. I don't care at all about looks but I know what personality types will get along with me the best which is why I am so fussy about a person's personality. And I am only judging if they are fit for me, not fit for anyone else. Probably most of the people if not all of them that are incompatible with me are highly compatible with someone else's personality. So I am doing them a favor by not getting them into a romantic relationship that they will regret. Plus I am odd. I believe every day should be Sadie Hawkins day and never chase women. I will pursue them as friends but it will stay that way forever unless they bring up that they are romantically interested in me. That way I don't have to play any games or be dishonest or have a hidden agenda and can give honest compliments without women ever worrying that I am just saying nice things to get on their good side or for a possible booty call. I keep my motives pure and altruistic so no female can ever accuse me of tricking them into a romantic relationship. That's why I am alone I suspect besides my flaws because women expect the man to make the first move romantically and that is not the way I roll. I go to women for friendship but if they want more, then they have to come out and be the aggressor because I am no player.

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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 27 Oct 10

      That brother has it goin on!! That sister is lucky to have him. She had better please him right too if she wants to keep him around because he can have his pick of many fly girls!! But I think she already knows that and doesn't need us to tell them a thing!!;-)

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  16.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 17 Oct 10

    Well that couple is more atypical and it never says how the couple turned out in the long run since no one did a follow up on them although we wish them well. And yes, you may be looking for a diamond which is why you may be having trouble. I have my standards and although they are based on personality, I have made friends on here but no one I wanted to get romantically interested in. But it is better to wait for the right person than to lower your standards because odds are you standards are there because only YOU know what will make you happy in another person and the standards are there to ensure that. Finally, this site, I found out, has a number of different titles. I thought there would be Asians on here as well but this is pretty much a black and white site. And the site goes by Afro-romance in some places and where I am at, I found it under interracial dating. So it goes by more than one name which I still find confusing if you are looking for more than blacks and whites.;-) You can even do a web test. Find someone's profile you know well and put their name in under a web search and they will come up under an interracial dating site AND and afro-romance website. Wild eh? And the information is exactly the same on both sites, just the colors of the fonts are different!!

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  17.   jme1029x says:
    Posted: 17 Oct 10

    Congrats to this couple, but that is what I thought this site was supposed to do, bring people together. Why the rest of us are having so much trouble fining a partner? Maybe, we are looking to hard for a diamond? But, I have a question? Is this site an Interracial dating site? Which is fine, I have know problem with that, but I was a bit confused by the name, Afro-romance.

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  18.   seekluv00 says:
    Posted: 16 Oct 10

    great story.lovely couple.wish them well in life and for a very good future together.

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  19.   nellias says:
    Posted: 09 Oct 10

    it's a good inspiration your story so motivated me.

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  20.   BintiMfalme says:
    Posted: 04 Oct 10

    Wonderful inspirational story that makes me believe that even in this hard life there is love too. God bless you two and have a wonderful future together.

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  21.   dorm0 says:
    Posted: 02 Oct 10

    I'm so happy for the both of u,may God richly bless u and let understanding prevail among u and keep u 2gether 4ever,Amen,!

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  22.   Helly10 says:
    Posted: 27 Sep 10

    Congrats and may you live happily forever. Hope will get mine too.

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  23.   lynmbot says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 10

    Sounds good ending here.....wish you all the Lord's blessings in your journey of the finding and getting to know each other. Hope mine works out well too.

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  24.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 10

    That's great because she really is fortunate because he really is a very handsome guy.:-)

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  25.   Story_Maker says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 10

    What a wonderful, and romantic story... Hope i will find my soul mate somewhere, one day! Hope you will create a wonderful future to yourself...

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  26.   DEMANA33 says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 10

    good luck have a good future & family pls let's the death separate u not deforce. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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  27.   LemonThyme says:
    Posted: 13 Sep 10

    That is a wonderful ending story. I wish them good luck. I am a lifetime member here, I have never been able to meet the man of my dream. I have met a wonderful gentleman on another paid site, and we are meeting, we love each other so much and we are soon to buy a beautiful home to settle down. Wish all of you good luck.

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  28.   aaska says:
    Posted: 13 Sep 10

    luck. and the guy is really good

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  29.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 10

    Wow, she really is fortunate because he really is a very handsome guy.

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  30.   mat26 says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 10

    wow what a nice couple,,i hope that happily ever after. and i hope that i can find mine also the right guy to be,,

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  31.   plasure says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 10

    I believe love is blind and without color ,were love is there will not room for recist and rainbow color. i have my way of loving and to be loved. i would have like to upgrade, but dont have money can someone spacial do it for me????? remain bless you all.

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  32.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 30 Aug 10

    Dating doesn't have to lead to marriage but most people who want true love and are willing to sacrifice for it sure hope it does. It seems like this couple wants true love so I hope it leads to a happy marriage. If it goes so well that you forget to eat, I would think that is a strong sign that that person might be a possible marriage candidate and soulmate. Has anyone out there clicked so well that they were like this couple? I would like to hear from them especially the ladies.

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  33. Posted: 30 Aug 10

    Nope dating doesn't have to lead to marriage.

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  34.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 30 Aug 10

    Well isn't the goal of dating someone ultimately to try and find a life partner? Anyone can have a relationship based on shallow things but I would like to give this couple more credit and believe they are looking for long term true love or else they wouldn't be have a successful relationship. It would be wonderful if the did find true love in each other and got married and stayed together for life. Sure beats looking all the time or marrying and ending up having a divorce that scars each other and kids often for life. Some people never get serious about relationships after they are divorced because they are gunshy and don't want to get hurt again. I sure hope that doesn't happen to this lovely couple.

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  35. Posted: 29 Aug 10

    Who said their goal is marriage? They're seeking a 'relationship' according to the article.

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  36.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 29 Aug 10

    I hope someone does a followup on these two so we can see when they get happily married.

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  37.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 28 Aug 10

    Yes I am practically in tears it is so wonderful.

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  38.   PeeBee says:
    Posted: 27 Aug 10

    That's a nice story, beautiful

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  39. Posted: 27 Aug 10

    What an inspirational story!

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  40.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 27 Aug 10

    They will have a storybook ending romance and live happily ever after in a fantastic marriage.

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  41.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 27 Aug 10

    They are the perfect couple and I sure they will get happily married and not have any illegitimate children and everyone will be happy.

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  42.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 23 Aug 10

    Good luck to them because they will need it. You need a lot more than dependability and being trustworthy. There are a ton of guys like that out there and it doesn't insure long term compatibility or a real relationship. School is a factor too that limits time and one's chance to get to know one another so things can go well when you don't have any struggles to go through together to see how you react together as a couple. And she was drawn to physical things about him and i can see he is a handsome guy and has her beat in the looks department and he is taller than her and I suspect he has had a lot more dating experience than her and knows all the nice charming things to say to make a woman feel comfortable and how to act with is body language to make a woman feel comfortable which is one of the main thing that women look for first in the beginning of a relationship. I have seen this scenario often in my marriage counseling and premarital counseling and they are probably better off as friends for a good while or even permanently because what she is describing about him is more what you look for in a good friend. It is the desire to go further in the relationship especially when the woman is smitten by the man that makes the woman gloss over any warning signals that might show up as far as incompatibility or character flaws in him. It is like she is looking at him through rose-colored glasses. It would be interesting to check up on them two years from now to see how things are really going in a longer run especially when they have more time. Joseph Moyer

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    • hawaiian50 says:
      Posted: 10 Feb 12

      What a downer u are.a simple good luck wasn't enoigh. You had analyse all the potential, what ifs.....sure you can't be in a relationship. Id be rid of you in a heartbeat. Shame on you. I'm sorry if a woman or many has hurt you.

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    • blackbelle01 says:
      Posted: 15 May 16

      Serenity 33- You sound like you are jealous of these two. Congratulations I loved this story.

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  43.   eve3000 says:
    Posted: 23 Aug 10

    Congratulations! I love this story and I wish you both the best. Love and companionship is a wonderful thing! Eve3000

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