Trust the System

Posted by Leticia, 07 Dec

Just how did users “Naturalette” and “MadiGray” meet and marry via our site? It all began when the duo decided to venture online in search of love…

Madi says he was looking for a change. “I was interested in a different type of woman,” he tells us. “However, because of my location, I was limited.” So he posted an online dating profile for the first time. Fortunately, he chose us to join, because that’s where Nicolette made her first foray into Internet personals, too!

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“Yes, it was my first experience with online dating,” she confirms. “I was ready to try something new compared to standard dating, especially due to COVID.”

However, that doesn’t mean that Nicolette was entirely certain she was ready for this endeavor. “I wasn’t sure what to expect,” she admits. “I was kind of nervous, to be honest!” Madi was more at home with it, telling us, “I was confident in using the site.”

One week into his membership, Madi spotted “Naturalette” on our site. “I’d just come from work,” he recalls. This new profile had just been posted by none other than Nicolette. Madi says he knew it might be an important find from “the first time I saw her photo. She was beautiful, natural, and I had deep feelings [from the start].” So he reached out to Nicolette. “He sent the Flirt flowers and I flirted back,” she says. “He was exactly my type.”

What did Nicolette like about Madi’s profile? “I liked the fact that he was talented in multiple ways, as well as his handsomeness,” she explains. In fact, Nicolette says she knew from the beginning that this match would be special. “From the first conversation,” she emphasizes. “My mom was sick and he was there for me verbally/mentally.”

It wasn’t long before tangible plans were made to meet in person. “Something in my heart said I needed to fly to the Gambia to meet this man,” notes Nicolette. “He had all the qualities I desired!” As for Madi, he was more than ready to host her in his home country. “She is real, approachable, and our love is destined to be,” says the happy hubby, reiterating, “I fell in love at first sight.”

Soon after stepping off the plane in the Gambia, Nicolette was welcomed into Madi’s world. “I introduced her to my family,” he says. During their first in-person interactions Madi remembers thinking, “She is beautiful, smart, real, and natural!” Nicolette says that upon meeting face to face her first thought about Madi was, “He is everything that I hoped and prayed for. Handsome, strong, talented, good morals and personality.”

Nothing about Madi failed to fit with the good impression Nicolette got from his profile and their early communication. Except this. She remarks that “his patience” was something that didn’t come across in the profile. Madi didn’t overpromise and under-deliver! “He was exactly who he said he was,” Nicolette declares. “Same,” Madi says of her.

So the visit went pretty well, then? “We are gonna spend the rest of our lives together,” says Madi. It’s safe to say that after their first romantic times together both singles were sure they’d see each other again. “We were so sure that we got married!” laughs Nicolette, adding that Madi proposed over the phone.

Before these two could tie the knot there were snags to unravel, however. The couple list some obstacles they had to overcome: “Distance, time zones, laws, and family judgment.” But Madi was more than worth it to Nicolette. “He is the most adaptable, honest man ever,” she beams. Respect is a two-way street. “She is straightforward and motivated,” Madi says of his wife.

For them, finding love was worth any sacrifice. “It’s changed my life so drastically,” marvels Nicolette. “My husband is from a whole other culture, lifestyle, and country! I have learned so much and I still have much more to learn.”

To help other singles learn from their experience, the happy couple has shared a few thoughts about online dating. “Just be patient, honest, and your truest self,” Nicolette advises. “Be patient and honest,” agrees Madi. “And have lots of faith. Trust the system.”

The system sure worked for these two, and in short order!

13 responses to "Trust the System"

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  1.   Mimieletsgo says:
    Posted: 21 Jan

    Lovely couple !!! I like your tips - being true to yourself and just being honest, makes a difference. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you an amazing journey of growing together and learning the beauty of your differences in culture as a couple.

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  2.   Mikyadugna says:
    Posted: 12 Nov 22

    I can not trust

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  3.   Mwanasiti says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 22

    I need a serious man not as cheater, they have wasted my time finding a good one

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  4.   Mwanasiti says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 22

    I need a serious man now

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  5.   Rose25th says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 22

    Wow I wish one day my dream come true and I be here testifying .. Good luck in their relationship

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  6.   malaika44 says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 22

    Yes it's not easy you must have an angel to follow you to be seen n to get what your heart desire ...been here in n out for about 8 or 9yrs n no any luck but I don't give up easily. Wishing the love birds happy life .

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  7.   Snm60 says:
    Posted: 04 Jan 22

    It is not very easy to get guys who are genuinely serious and who know what they want...for me I strongly feel it's luck...anyways...wish them all the best..

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  8.   Snm60 says:
    Posted: 04 Jan 22

    It is not very easy...for me I strongly feel it's luck...anyways...wish them all the best.

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  9.   nobuhle36 says:
    Posted: 04 Jan 22

    Wow I like that really love does exist in this channel.wish them good luck

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  10.   blacc_ says:
    Posted: 04 Jan 22

    I've been single for 15 years and that's without a lack of trying now how many years do I have to wait on this site I've been here for five years now and probably gotten ten flirts does a flirt not messages

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  11. Posted: 04 Jan 22

    I'm happy to be here in this group,also I'm looking for a serious relationship,a man to marry me

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  12.   Nik201ita says:
    Posted: 04 Jan 22

    Congratulations to all love birds . I wish to find mine soon

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  13.   Charolce says:
    Posted: 04 Jan 22

    Wooow I would love to be among many that have found love here...true love

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